Fuelling the Economy

Green Fuel offers environmentally friendly and sustainable renewable vehicle fuel and electricity that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. Green Fuel will not only increase Zimbabwe’s energy security but will also lessen dependence on foreign, imported oil and fossil fuels in the future.

Green Fuel

Green Fuel produces anhydrous ethanol with less than 0.04% water content, generating the best performing fuel around.

Green Be Green and Save

Our ethanol is safe to use, competitively priced, clean and accessible, as well as beneficial to the environment.

Green Power All the Way

At Green Fuel, we are proud to be one of the first companies in Africa offering a home-grown solution to energy.

Driving the Future!

Green Fuel uses the latest technology in sugarcane agriculture and ethanol production to produce a world class product.

The Green Fuel Ethanol Project was awarded National Project Status by the Government of Zimbabwe due to the significant benefits it brings to the country:
  • Job creation and employment in agriculture and technology.

  • Clean, renewable fuel at the pump.

  • Fuel Security, foreign currency savings, balance of trade.

  • Cheaper, local fuel.

Our Vision

A State of the Art Factory


The key components of the Green Fuel plant were sourced and imported from Brazil, a country considered to have the world’s first sustainable bio-fuels economy and over 30 years of experience in ethanol production. However, 60% of the plant was manufactured in Zimbabwe by our local engineering team under close supervision by experts from Brazil, ensuring local skills development. Our modern plant uses the latest technology to produce high-grade anhydrous ethanol. A high pressure “Caldema” boiler increases energy recovery allowing the ethanol plant to be energetically self-sufficient and produce excess electricity.

Our Factory
Green Fuel has a robust Corporate Social Responsibility program that is immensely benefitting the local community called ‘Vimbo – Hope for a better future’. Through Vimbo, we have introduced a portfolio of community projects, all of which have been constructed around the principle of sustainable development through irrigation farming, entrepreneurial projects, education and social service infrastructure rehabilitation. 
Our Community

Our Corporate Partners

Netafim Logo
Sinotruck Logo
FSG logo
